
Monday, July 20, 2009

script of the bible

Alkitab Interlinear


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Monday, July 6, 2009

Guiding you to Sumba

Sumba island is well known as sandalwood island. It is located in East Nusa Tenggara province. From Denpasar Bali, you can catch flight to Sumba with the range time is one and half hour. Many tomb stone and traditionals houses still can be found. Mostly of Sumbanese still belief in their ancestor as their mediator to reach God. This belief called as " Marapu". People of Sumba is splendor people. They celebrating everything in making party. Traditional party, as symbol of thanking gods who have, based on their belief, protect them from danger and hunger.

For Guide, you can contact: Andreas Tanggu Bore
Mobile: +62 812 3734 8204
Address: Waingapu - East Sumba

Sumba Barat Daya, Are you ready?

The autonomy given by central government to the local government, therefore, this will enable the easier management of local leader to improve and develop their people in terms of welfare as well as education and health care.
The problem we have now is that the concern from respective government in relation to the community empowerment is little bit in doubt. Part of its, is the placement of staff or staffing. Right man on the right place. This is only a matter of how to share the "cake" power but not based on the fate of the people which should become a main concern of them. Especially that those leaders are coming from political parties. Mostly their concern is about their own party member.
Sumba Barat Daya, as a newest district in Sumba, face the same problem. Since it inauguration as a new district, significant development have not proof yet. Thus, leaving people in hunger and starvation. Assistance from international communities is needed.

Yosefina Tanggu Bore

Celebrating World Refugee Day In Makassar

On May 24-25, 2009, IOM (International Organization for Migration) together with UNHCR invited all government and Int'l Organizations stakeholders as well as UN Agencies in Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia, to join in commemorating the refugee day. This reminding us that many people around the world are living in harsh situation. In Makassar, we had more than one hundred irregular migrants coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Some of them may happy that they have been recognized as refugees by UNHCR (United Nations for High Commisioner for Refugees).But for those who had been rejected, may face the cirlce of detention which us unknown when they can be released by government. They have two option: going back their country of origin or resettled in the stranded county where they being kept now. Regional Cooperations of relevants stakeholders is needed to solve this problem of irregular movement. Trans-national crimes is involved. Which is means people smuggling can be infliterated by gun smuggler, drugs smuggler, money laundry, terrorism and human trafficking.

Yosefina Tanggu Bore
Head of Office-IOM Makassar


Mourning of Sumbanese

Mourning of Sumbanese
Positioning of dead body in Sumbanese lady

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